Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Income Taxation of Proprietary Educational Institutions

For tax income tax purposes, educational institutions are classified as follows: Proprietary educational institution;Non-stock, non-profit educational institution; or,Government educational institution. In this Article, let us uncover how a proprietary educational institution is being subjected to income tax. Definition Under the Tax Code, 'proprietary educational institution' is any private school maintained and administered by private individuals or groups with an issued permit to operate from the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS), or the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), or the Technical Education and Skills Development...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

BIR Tax Agent Practitioner (TAP) Accreditation

Tax practitioner/Agent – The following shall be deemed to be in tax practice and required to apply for accreditation those who are engaged in the regular preparation, certification, audit and filing of tax returns, information returns and other statements or reports required by the Code or Regulations; those who are engaged in the regular preparation requests for rulings, requests for reinvestigations, protests, requests for refunds or tax credit certificates, compromise settlement and/or abatement of tax liabilities, and other official papers and correspondence with the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), and other similar related activities; orthose who regularly appears in meetings, conferences, or hearings before any office of the Bureau of Internal Revenue officially in behalf of the taxpayer...

Monday, September 12, 2011

Change in Accounting Period under RR No. 3-11

Revenue Regulations No. 3-2011 dated March 7, 2011 - "Regulations Providing for Policies, Guidelines and Procedures on the Application for Change in Accounting Period under Section 46 of the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) of 1997, as amended"Under Section 46 of the Tax Code, as amended, it provides and hereunder quoted:SEC. 46. Change of Accounting Period. If a taxpayer, other than an individual, changes his accounting period from fiscal year to calendar year, from calendar year to fiscal year, or from one fiscal year to another, the net income shall, with the approval of the Commissioner, be computed on the basis of such new accounting...

Overseas Communication Tax Under RR 11 - 2011

Revenue Regulations No. 11-2011 entitled "Revenue Regulations Defining Gross Receipts for Common Carrier's Tax for International Carriers pursuant to Section 118 of the Tax Code amending Section 10 of Revenue Regulations No. 15-2011" finally came up with a formal definition of Gross Receipts for International Carriers under Section 118 of the Tax Code as follows:"Gross receipts" shall include, but shall not be limited to, the total amount of money or its equivalent representing the contract or ticket prize, excess baggage fees, freight/cargo fees, mail fees, rental, penalties, deposit applied as payments, advance payments and other service charges...

Friday, September 2, 2011

VAT on tax-free transfer under RR No. 10-2011

Revenue Regulations No. 10-2011 dated July 1, 2011 entitled "Amending Certain Provisions of Revenue Regulations No. 16-2005, as amended by Revenue Regulations No. 4-2007, Otherwise Known as the Consolidated Value Added Tax Regulations of 2005, as amended" finally settled the issue of VAT on tax-free transfers of real property used in trade or business of a taxpayer. Section 2 of RR No. 10-2011 reworded part of Section 4.106-8 of RR No. 16-05, as last amended by RR No. 4-07, as follows: "X x x However, the exchange of goods or properties including the real estate properties used in business or held for sale or for lease by the transferor, for...

Lessee Information Statement under RR No. 12-2011

Revenue Regulations No. 12-2011 dated July 25, 2011 entitled "Reportorial Requirements for Establishments Leasing or Renting Out Spaces for Commercial Activities" now requires a new reportorial requirement for lessors of commercial spaces. All owners, or sub-lessors of commercial establishments/buildings/spaces to ensure that persons intending to lease is a BIR- registered taxpayer with tax identification number (TIN), BIR Certificate of Registration (COR), and duly registered official receipts or invoices. Every 31st day of January and 31st day of July of the year, they are required to submit the following information, under oath, in hard...
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